Hello, I’m Shawn McClendon, owner and founder of Math Swap Tutoring. I’m glad that you’re interested in learning more about who I am and why I created this company. Let’s get to it.

Shawn McClendon - Founder of Math Swap Tutoring

By trade, I am an Electronics Engineer, which means that when I got my degrees in college, I took a lot of math…a whole lot of math. I’ll put it this way: Not only are engineering majors required to take a lot of “math” classes (Calculus 1 and 2, Differential Equations, Multivariable Calculus), but also, all of our “engineering” classes are really just math classes, too. Our science classes (Physics 1 and 2) are calculus-based, so those are basically math classes as well.

I took a lot of math, man.

Anyhow, what I immediately noticed upon beginning work in the industry is that I use little to none of my math skill in the field. Much of the need to do calculations in engineering work has been replaced by computer programs that engineers have built that have the math already built in. That said, I’ve found myself over the years suffering from what I’ll call a sort of “Math Deficiency Syndrome,” and wondering if I still have it.

From time to time, I’d thought about starting a math tutoring business, and even tutored a kid here or there, but it wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic hit until I really started to consider it. To be honest, it was a no-brainer…in an instant, tons of students around the country were thrust against their wills into virtual learning, which means that they can’t have that in-person, one-on-one experience with their teachers that is so vital. It’s hard to learn math without being able to ask somebody questions from time to time!

COVID-19 caused me to see tutoring as more than just a hobby or a business idea. I started to see it as a duty, even somewhat of a calling for such a time as this. I officially started Math Swap Tutoring in August 2020.

With Math Swap, I combine my extensive math experience with my teaching experiences (here-and-there tutoring, youth bible class, fitness instruction) to help students of all ages better understand what they are learning. My goal is to help my students relax, truly understand the math, and even enjoy it. I strive to help students approach math in a systematic, step-by-step way so that they can get it right every time. When any of the students that I tutor are still confused after one of my sessions, I take it personally.

My Qualifications

Here is more regarding my math/academic background:

Graduated 7th out of 256 from Jones County High School c/o 2003

Perfect Score on Math Portion of Georgia High School Graduation Test

640 out of 800 on SAT Math

Jones County High School Math Team

Bachelor’s and Master’s in Engineering from Mercer University

If you’re interested in tutoring with me, make sure that you sign up for a free consultation so that we can discuss your needs. I also encourage you to join our e-mail list so that you can stay up with all updates coming from Math Swap.

Now that you’ve learned more about me, let me tell you more about Math Swap Tutoring.